Post Jam Version Release

Patch Notes:

Gameplay Adjustments:

  • Brief tutorial on enemy types, effects of items added.
  • Weapons now trail with player rather than having to be picked up.
    • This addresses a lot of the feedback on confusion of where to go and difficulty. Player now always has an item equipped.
    • This also meant that an additional cooldown had to be added on swapping weapons to prevent secondary ability spam.
  • Rather than your score being determined by kills, the player must pick up hearts to raise this instead.
    • Before the player could kill large amounts of enemies without even knowing, now at least there is a visual indicator of collecting these items.
  • Added a barrier at the end of the map to prevent falling.
  • Added a sound on picking up items.
  • Added a level indicator so you can see how many times each weapon has been upgraded.
  • Enemies now have wings, more clear that they are angels now.
  • Boss has been improved
    • HP and speed adjusted.
    • Spawns earlier.
  • Dash now makes the player invulnerable, allows you to avoid damage whilst also collecting hearts.
  • We have a browser version now!
    • Sadly it turns out godot is not so great for this sort of thing lol, had a lot of issues. Even now the environmental effects like fog don't seem to work, but that's pretty minor and the game is still playable.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Broken credits button removed, was a bit useless anyways with non clickable links so all credits now exist on my initial devlog post.
  • Strange sensation of colliding with another object during dashing somtimes, but there is nothing there
    • Small fix implemented, there was some leftover code from a temporary fix I did a while back to prevent the player from dashing into the floor that I forgot to remove that caused this weird behaviour. A lesson to centralize all similar code!
  • HP can go above 100, but there is no indiciation of this. HP is now capped at 100.
  • Enemies spawning under the ground, fixed.


Magh Meall Post Jam Edition Play in browser
36 days ago

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